
Healthcare Data

in Emerging Markets

We provide real-time, primary data for pharmaceutical, medical device and insurance companies in emerging markets to better target their end users.

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    Want to see how Sage Health
    can revolutionize your data insights?

    We're always eager to hear from potential partners, clients, or anyone interested in what we do.

    Real-time Data

    We aggregate and structure primary healthcare data to provide you with real-time insights.

    AI-Powered SaaS

    Serving Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Clinics, and Governments.

    Data Safety

    Our product complies with regulatory requirements to ensure patient data safety.

    Frequently asked questions

    Explore answers to common queries and gain valuable insights into decision-making with data analytics.

    Sage Health gathers healthcare data by digitizing existing physical records using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, partnering with local digital medical record vendors, and ensuring the collected data is structured securely and compliant with international standards. This data is then anonymized, standardized, and aggregated to provide real-time, primary data insights to healthcare industry stakeholders in emerging markets.

    Sage Health's AI software is designed to generate large language models (LLMs) for disease-focused data models, enabling biopharma and clinical researchers to train on these models. The AI data engine performs predictive analytical assessments and facilitates the distribution of real-time data with third parties. It offers descriptive dashboards, generates Gantt charts, and ensures end-to-end data standardization and compliance.

    Sage Health ensures data security by implementing healthcare data security compliance checks and anonymizing and standardizing data before ingestion. They follow international standards for data handling, partnering with local digital medical record vendors to structure and secure collected data. This process ensures the data's safety and usability for commercial and clinical purposes

    Sage Health was created to address health inequity in emerging markets using data. We begin by focusing on the lack of deep understanding of patient needs, poor care quality, high prices, and insufficient safety protocols in the healthcare industry of emerging markets. The platform aims to improve the quality of data insights for clinics, enhance market understanding for medical product manufacturers, and provide better access to products and services for patients.

    Yes, Sage Health can customize services. Their platform offers tailored data insights and predictive analytics for various stakeholders, including clinics, product manufacturers, multinational healthcare companies, and governments. The customization is designed to meet specific market needs and regulatory requirements, enhancing the overall healthcare delivery and commercialization process.

    Sage Health's future vision includes expanding their data insights and predictive analytics capabilities to underserved markets in the Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East and North Africa regions. We aim to digitize healthcare data comprehensively, enabling better disease burden tracking and prediction, and fostering collaborations with global healthcare stakeholders to improve care delivery and market understanding.